
After studying design at DLCAD in Dublin and completing a Masters in design at Glasgow School of Art, I began my design career in the Netherlands where I spent 2 years working with some really great designers. When I moved home to Dublin I worked for 9 years in 2 established design studios before I began my freelance career, which I have worked at for the last 15 years.


How I Work


It's about balance. My design process is born of many years experience and is agile enough to change as new challenges arise. Each project is unique. Each client is unique. That's what makes my designs unique too.

We Stay Connected


Communication is the life blood of good design solutions. I try to connect with you and your company's ethos to fully understand the people behind the project. I don't try to predict the future. Constant communication allows a project to evolve over time and nutures the work even after it's finished.

Creativity Rocks!


You know what's really important? Enjoying the work. Design is a creative solution to a business problem. Most businesses are passionate about what they do. Business is their life! Well, I really love what I do too!, and I want my clients to enjoy that process - the challenges, the solutions and the wins. In the end I want to create outcomes that you are happy to sign off on and that you enjoyed working on.